Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kitchen Remodel

Mid-summer 2008 Josh and I bought and moved into a great house. There's a fenced backyard and room to grow. BUT, it's a little 70's and needed some updating. Shortly after moving in we ripped out the kitchen and have been ever so slowly rebuilding our kitchen since then. You know what that means, lots of eating out. I never thought I would have such a craving for home cooking. First was the demo (October)...

We consulted an architecht and built this header ourselves. (November)

The rebuilding began (December)

Primer, 10 pre-painted squares, 6 paint samples, and two paint colors on the wall later... the cabinet boxes arrived. The cabinets were designed and created courtesy of Josh's brother in law, Ben J. Dykstra, furniture maker. (January)

1 comment:

t h e G l e s s n e r s said...

Hi G - I love the pictures. And I'm so excited you are blogging again. I love to know what you guys are up to. I look forward to another post after your trip. Hopefully I won't have to wait over a year again :).